Are you juggling all the balls at once? Working in and running your salon, while managing staff and finances. Marketing and operations can be a really difficult and all consuming job, and the life of a salon or barbershop owner can often feel like you’re working tirelessly for for little or no reward.
To combat this pain, the leading salons and barbershops we work with, build their teams in order to grow and accelerate both potential and profitability. At MIG, our signature method mentors apprentice hairdressers and barbers through a four step process.
This four step process is firstly –
1. Design. Efficient systems to create space to build your team.
2. Professionalism. Setting and living the standards that matter.
3. Technical Skills. Having team knowledge and skills that are on point. Finally,
4. Communication. A clear identity, a sharing of ideas and a really cohesive group of hairdressers and barbers.
The fourth principle of communication is really the glue that binds great teams together. At MIG, we guide each apprentice through four building blocks so that they’re incredible salon communicators.
Firstly, we develop a sense of an individual identity and confidence which is critical for any emerging stylist to be able to feel part of a team, to contribute and put their best foot forward. Secondly, communication skills to foster relationships with the broader team supports an individual’s growth, acceptance and harmony, which is what a lot owners are striving for. Thirdly, building communication and relationships with salon partners and the broader hair industry is incredibly important. And finally, and most importantly, communication and consultation skills with your clients.
The capacity to provide exceptional service, build and expand a client base while recommending products and services is gold standard for any apprentice. To be a great communicator can take many years to master, but when the fundamentals are instilled in emerging stylists, it goes an incredibly long way to developing a quality team that provides peace of mind and the time and space to work on your business and not in it.